Monday, February 18, 2013

T.V. and Crazy Children

So today I came across a news report stating that if you change what your children are watching on t.v., their behavior would change. This really got me thinking. Could this be true? I definitely have some unruly boys on my hands at times. Landry, for starters, loves to fight. He loves Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. He loves dressing up in costumes and acting like his favorite super hero. Now this could be typical boy behavior. It could also be that he watches a lot of super hero movies. He even went through a cat woman phase. Wanted his nails painted and to wear my red high heels. And then there's Cooper. He has a mouth on him sometimes. I didn't think the back talking started until the pre-teen years. I was wrong. He's six and really knows how to sass me.

After hearing this report I started going through in my head all the shows my boys like to watch. Several shows on Disney and Cartoon Network have smart mouth characters. Off the top of my head I can think of the boys saying, "What the..." all the time. Today I heard one of the Ninja Turtles say that. I don't like that. I want them to be able to watch shows they enjoy but at the same time want to raise respectful young men. Cooper has called the librarian at school a idiot and the lunch monitor a crazy old man. I would never have done these things as a kid. Times have definitely changed but I don't want my kids to think its ok to speak to adults the way some of the kids on these shows do.

So starting tomorrow I think I am going to go a week really doing a better job monitoring what the boys are watching on t.v. and observing any changes in behavior. I want to be the best mom to them. I want them to think back to their childhood when they are older and think about how much fun growing up was. At the same time I want them to know right from wrong. I want them to be God fearing, law abiding citizens. Kind-hearted and loving. I want to do what's best for them. We will see how this goes!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Chair Upholstery

As the move to our new home was fast approaching I started looking for pieces of furniture to fill it with. Not having a ton of money to spend I really needed to find things on the cheap. I came across this gem at my local Goodwill for twenty bucks!

Ben started taking it apart before I had a chance to take a better picture. The above picture is from my cell phone. Taking this chair apart was not fun! My poor hands were covered in band aids. I lost count of how many staples we had to remove. This project ended up taking a lot longer than I expected. Mostly because every time I get my sewing machine out I have to Google how to use it. After much trial and error here is the finished project.

Not perfect by any means but I think I did a pretty good job for my first try. Now I'm on the hunt for another chair for my bedroom. Craigslist here I come!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Skinny Jenny

Okay, I've been a little hesitant to talk about my recent weight loss. I didn't want to be one of those annoying people on Facebook who posted ten times a day about some awesome weight loss product resulting in their feeds being hidden. I decided to post about it on my blog instead. LOL. I'm not even sure who reads this thing. Well, anyways, the product that I started using is called Plexus Slim. My son, Landry's sweet preschool teacher gave me a sample to try about two months ago and I fell in love with it almost immediately. I placed a order and looked forward to getting back into my pre baby jeans. Those of you who know me know that I work out on a regular basis. I also try to stay under a certain amount of calories daily. However, I was still struggling. Plexus has definitely help with my cravings and with my energy level at the gym. It's awesome. It's not a meal replacement, just a mix you add to water and drink 30 minutes before breakfast in the morning. There is also an accelerator that you can take as well that helps jump start the weight loss and gives you that extra burst of energy without making you shakey. I actually decided to become a Plexus ambassador after several friends decided to try it and were seeing the same results as I was. As of today, I've lost 12 pounds. I'm pretty much at my goal weight now. The focus now is maintaining. So if someone who is reading this is interested in more info you can check out my website at

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My First Blog

First Bloggy Blog

This would be my very first blog and it has definitely been a long time coming. I've wanted to start one for years. I decided today is the day. Today I would finally start one. I'm still unsure what this blog will really be about but that's ok. I'll just roll with the flow and figure things out as I go. I guess I should probably introduce myself although if you are reading this then you probably already know me. As a side note to my brother. Please refrain your comments in regards to my punctuation and grammar. Thanks bro. 
Ok, here goes. My name is Jennifer Milton and I'm a married mother of three little boys. Cooper is six, Landry is three and Slade is 6 months. They definitely keep me busy. I stay home with them while my husband works full time. We both go to school as well. I go part time and he goes full. Hopefully these busy schedules pay of in the future. Ben and I have been married for 6 mostly wonderful years. LOL. We are in the process of buying our first home together. I can't wait to put all my boards on Pinterest to work decorating our home. 
I'm looking forward to the challenge of creating a cozy, inviting place on a budget.
Speaking of a budget, the word is almost foreign to me. But lately, I've been having a daily dose of Dave Ramsey. We are really wanting to learn how to live on one. Dreaming of a debt free future influenced my New Year's resolution this year. OK, here goes. I'm going to go the entire year staying away from my favorite past time. That being shopping. I am not allowing myself to buy any brand new clothes. The only kind of clothes I will be purchasing this year will be the second hand kind. This will definitely be a challenge considering I recently lost some weight and my clothes aren't fitting all that well. I am determined to tackle this resolution though. Learning to not pine after worldly things. 
Gave myself one more resolution as well. That being no more sugar! I swear after giving birth to my last baby I dream on a daily basis of cupcakes. Baked goods are my Heaven. I crave sweets something fierce! Today was going to be the day but that day didn't go as planned. By 2pm I was fening for a cookie and I caved. That cookie turned into one more cookie and then a chocolate croissant and then another cookie and a air head. Put myself in a sugar coma. I'm not even sure if I can account for everything I put in my mouth. Tomorrow is a new day though so here's hoping to self control!
I guess that is good for now. Hopefully I can blog at least once a week and hopefully the blogs get more interesting! XOXO