Friday, February 8, 2013

Chair Upholstery

As the move to our new home was fast approaching I started looking for pieces of furniture to fill it with. Not having a ton of money to spend I really needed to find things on the cheap. I came across this gem at my local Goodwill for twenty bucks!

Ben started taking it apart before I had a chance to take a better picture. The above picture is from my cell phone. Taking this chair apart was not fun! My poor hands were covered in band aids. I lost count of how many staples we had to remove. This project ended up taking a lot longer than I expected. Mostly because every time I get my sewing machine out I have to Google how to use it. After much trial and error here is the finished project.

Not perfect by any means but I think I did a pretty good job for my first try. Now I'm on the hunt for another chair for my bedroom. Craigslist here I come!

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